Thursday, November 02, 2006

Happy Halloween....well its a little late but I am finally getting our halloween pictures up. We still had RUF tues night even though it was Halloween but Brad spoke about where Halloween came from and the Reformation. It was a good reminder of what really went on during the Reformation and the truths of the Bible that were rediscovered. It seems like lately it has always been good to hear about God's grace and how God loved me enough to pursue me and still continues to do that today no matter if I "feel" like I am living perfectly or not. There was a Halloween party afterward at some of the sophomore girls house. It was alot of fun and we got to meet some of their friends that do not come out to RUF. Mike and I dressed up like a cowboy and cowgirl, I know it is not very creative, but most of our good costume materials we had still left in SC. The girls had talked to me earlier that day and were soo afraid they were not going to have enough good but they had plenty.