Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008


So we moved this past weekend and let me just say how much I LOVE our new place but hated the moving process! Although I will admit that having 10 college guys help on friday nite made it super easy and fast. We had all the major furniture moved friday night and so on Saturday our couple friends did not have too much to do except lots of small boxes and we were done by noon. This left us with the mountains of boxes and let me just say it felt a bit overwhelming so I left for 30 minutes to get some items at Walmart and felt much better when I got home.

I am enjoying having the extra space and Mike and I each have our own closet which is nice. It feels weird to be in a "grown up home" (dinig room, porch, guest room, ceilings that arent super short). I am hoping to post pictures soon so you can get some idea of what it looks like but I forgot to bring my camera cord to download them at work. I am not that proud of it right now because it needs alot of work, painting, decorating, etc. But I am looking forward to putting it all together and making curtains, with my mothers help of course.

Checkers has adjusted well though and he has not been scared at all which is good. I was afraid the adjustment would be bad because he did not do well at all when we visited my parents this summer but he did great and I think he is enjoying all of the new and plentiful windows to look out of.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The couple in the middle just got engaged last night

If you look you will see Mike (the girls refused to ride on this because none of us just liked feeling our stomach drop)

A little wind blown

Chelsey and Anne

Cincinnati Road Trips

Last Thursday Mike and I went with 2 other couples to Kings Island. One of the people had gotten discounted tickets through work and organized for us all to go. We had a blast but were exhausted by the time we got home. Mike had been pumped about this trip for the past month and I was glad to find out that I still enjoyed roller coasters. I was a little nervous because I wanted to enjoy them as much as he does.

Yesterday, Wednesday, I got a call at work about the James Taylor concert in Cinn (He sings Fire and Rain, I've got Carolina on my mind, along with some other great stuff. It was a family from our church that was going and they had bought tickets for their whole family but then one son and son-in-law couldn't go. So I went with their daughter and one other friend. It was such a fun roadtrip and I felt like I was in college again going with the girls (the rest of the family had driven up earlier). It was outside on the river and was the most beautiful night. One of the girls is also going to be an intern and so it was fun to talk to her about that and the excitement as she is getting ready to start

Mike and I are both staying busy with work right now, but he likes his job and I am enjoying Starbucks. I should hopefully be finished with my training by the end of this and will officially be a Barista. I still don't like coffee after tasting 10 different kinds and they still all taste gross just in varying degrees. Next week I should start working at the furniture store. I hope this will be something I really enjoy.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Mike is officially in the air Force! Yesterday (Monday) Mike was commissioned in the 332D Recruiting Squadron as a 2nd Ltn. It was a fun and exciting event and there was a lot more to it than we originally thought. We had to pin him and then he received a coin (to do challenges with) and a nice writing pin as a personal gift from Sgt Dickey (the recruiter). We are very excited as God takes us into this new stage of life, but definately sad to be finishing our time with RUF.

Sorry there are no pics, I am out of time and they are not uploading for some reason, but I will play more with it tom.

We had a dear older couple in our church (Joe and Shirley) do the the ceremony. They have been such a blessing to us since we got to know them in January through a program in our church called dinners for 8. They have been so kind to us and really taken an interest in our lives. Joe was in the Air Force for his entire career and was excited to commission Mike. He did Air Force ROTC at UK after he retired. If it had not been for them, the day would not have been as special as it was. It felt like we had family here as they acted so proud of us and told us how special we were. Shirley baked a cake to celebrate and took pictures of everything (which I am so thankful for). She also showed me her special Air Force wives pin. Joe also kept us laughing and reminds me so much of Papa in his joking, loving demeanor.

I realize it has been forever since we have blogged, but without a good working camera we have not had to much to put up. Hopefully we will get one soon. I will try to put up more pics or update you on life a little more often. Please be praying for us as we transition out of RUF and for me a job and for Mike and hopefully going to training.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Sara Jane, Marte, Mary Ann (She lives in Tuscaloosa now but they came back for the party, it was great to see her and catch up)

We hope everyone had a great new years eve. Mike and I went over to a family in the church's house (the Lee's). They are in our married couples Bible study as one of the mentor couples and we have really enjoyed getting to know them over the past year and a half. For the past 10 years or so they have always done a new years eve party so they were well prepared, even having their own custom built dance floor (they built themselves). I really enjoyed dancing and getting to know people from the church in a different environment. Mike is not much of a dancer and I think I got asked 10 times why he wasnt out there with me. But next year Christ (Lee) said he wouldnt let Mike come if he wouldn't dance but somehow I highly doubt that will happen. But you never know as my friend Sara Jane's husband was dancing alot and she said he was just like Mike until 2 years ago.
Mike and I did not get there until 10:30 as we stayed in the Zaxby's an hour past closing time to try and watch as much of the Clemson game as possible, only to get to the Lee's and see it was on there. Oh well it was quite hilarious at Zaxbys because the manager was so nice to us and just kept letting us stay there as the employees mopped the floor. And when we went to finally leave he was like ya'll can stay we are still in the back doing things. Needless to say we love Zaxby's even more now. Also we were the only people eating in Zaxby's the entire 3 hours we were there! It must not be a popular new years eve place.
Mike and I are glad to be back in KY but not so glad about the weather as the snow is coming and it is in the teens outside. We are planning on seeing National Treasure 2 this afternoon and then watching some of the games this evening. Checkers is his normal wild self and I think he is having trouble adjusting back to less people and a smaller space but we let him play in the real attic (not our apt) and I think he enjoyed that. We used to not let him go back there, but we decided that maybe it wouldn't be so bad. There are also a few pictures of our Christmas at the Caldwells and the Adams (sorry they are not in order for those people that have blogger thoroughly figured out, I am not sure how to get them in order)