So we moved this past weekend and let me just say how much I LOVE our new place but hated the moving process! Although I will admit that having 10 college guys help on friday nite made it super easy and fast. We had all the major furniture moved friday night and so on Saturday our couple friends did not have too much to do except lots of small boxes and we were done by noon. This left us with the mountains of boxes and let me just say it felt a bit overwhelming so I left for 30 minutes to get some items at Walmart and felt much better when I got home.
I am enjoying having the extra space and Mike and I each have our own closet which is nice. It feels weird to be in a "grown up home" (dinig room, porch, guest room, ceilings that arent super short). I am hoping to post pictures soon so you can get some idea of what it looks like but I forgot to bring my camera cord to download them at work. I am not that proud of it right now because it needs alot of work, painting, decorating, etc. But I am looking forward to putting it all together and making curtains, with my mothers help of course.
Checkers has adjusted well though and he has not been scared at all which is good. I was afraid the adjustment would be bad because he did not do well at all when we visited my parents this summer but he did great and I think he is enjoying all of the new and plentiful windows to look out of.