Monday, February 05, 2007

Cold and snowy winter....Hi all Mike and I are having an extremely cold winter as we woke up this morning to a -10 degree world (yes that is a negative sign in front of the 10). Its ridiculously cold here and I would seriously considering moving if I was not afraid that God would come after me like he did Jonah. I do not have any pictures up of the snow, I am sorry I did not do a good job taking any and to be honest I do not want to take the time to stand outside in the cold just to take a picture, I am always trucking it to the car. It looks beautiful but it is reaching the point where I want it to just leave and be warm again (and by warm I mean just abouve 30 at least) We have also learned that hoods and scarves have a very real purpose besides blocking rain or just looking cute, they help to keep you slightly warm. Mike and I also have a leak in our bathroom window somewhere which has caused ice to form on the inside of our window, hence you can just image how cold the bathtub is before the warm water gets to it.

We took off 2 days this past week and went and checked out Louisville. The Louisville slugger museum was fun and we got a free little bat at the end which was pretty cool. We also just walked around downtown and found a few more museums that we want to check out next time when it is warmer. Later that night we had dinner with some of my brothers old friends from Alabama. It was alot of fun and both Mike and I enjoyed being around them which is a definate plus (they also really love RUF so it is nice to know some people here who feel that way and understand why we think it is so wonderful)

The other pictures on here are from our freshman Bible study on thursday nights. It was one of the girls bdays so we made a cake and sang to her. I hope to talk to all of you soon.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Hey Liz and Mike- we enjoyed reading your blog update and seeing the pics!! I am praying for spring to come soon for you!!!!!!!!!! I could not imagine how cold it must be! Glad things are going well! Wish we were going to get to see ya'll soon. we are praying for you and love you
Tal saw your pic tonight and we said that is Aunt Liz and Uncle Mike- he smiled and than kissed the picture!!!!
love ya
Rebecc, Reeves and Tal