Sunday, April 01, 2007

The new desk. Well we bought it on Saturday at a consignment furniture store on a big sale. Evidently it is an old type writer desk but I think it works just wonderfully for a laptop. The bottom right corner is one large drawer so we can file things which is very nice instead of all those little file folders we were using. It is so nice to just be able to close it, have more desk space and hide clutter quickly if we need to. Since we didnt need the plastic drawers anymore I moved them over to my sewing machine and have quickly filled them with scrap fabric, needles, scissors, and other sewing items. I am enjoying that alot because I did just have all my stuff randomly put in places or in bags. Sorry I dont have any pictures of Mike playing frisbee I brought the camera but completely forgot, but they won the whole thing so he was excited.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

What a BEAUTIFUL DESK!! I love what you have done with your place- soo pretty=)